9 Factors to consider for an EV charging station in your shared car park
11 April 2023Undoubtedly, investment and policy support is accelerating Europe’s energy transition to limit climate change. This backing is increasingly evident as EV charging infrastructure develops worldwide. But how can you and your neighbours engage if you are in a shared residential parking bloc?
Read more about 9 Factors to consider for an EV charging station in your shared car park
Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations | What do you need to know when buying one?
20 December 2022Going electric is exciting and a lot of fun. You’re entering the world of clean mobility. Electric vehicles on European roads are expected to grow from less than 5 million today to 130 million in 2035, so hop in! Finding the right charging station is just as important as the EV itself. Here are 5 things to consider.
Read more about Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations | What do you need to know when buying one?
Alfen celebrates 15 years of innovation in Belgium: ‘From a pioneer to a renowned partner in the energy transition’
19 December 2022Alfen is celebrating 15 years of innovation in Belgium. We sat down with Yves Vercammen, our country manager for Belgium, to gain his insights and perspectives on where we have been and we are headed.
Read more about Alfen celebrates 15 years of innovation in Belgium: ‘From a pioneer to a renowned partner in the energy transition’