Event internships
Alfen participates at various events to familiarise students with the options on offer as a company intern and subsequent work. We're a regular participant at Almere on Stage, we take part in Girlsday and organise frequent guided tours of the company and guest lectures. Would you also like your school to have a guided tour, or to take part in a lesson as our guest? If so, please contact our corporate recruiter Janine Keizerweerd.
Almere on stage
Bringing employers or training companies into contact with pupils - that is the main objective of Almere on Stage. This event consists of a Job Festival and a 'Do Day'. During the former, various employers present themselves and enter into dialogue with pupils about their profession and what a typical day at work looks like. Should a pupil show interest, an appointment is made for a working visit to the company on the 'Do Day' a few weeks later.
Almere on Stage is aimed at vmbo pupils of Aeres vmbo, Arte College, Baken Park, Baken Poort, Buitenhout College, Echnaton, Helen Parkhurst, Meergronden, Montessori Lyceum Flevoland, OPDC and the Taalcentrum.
Very few girls and women actually choose to work in the technical engineering sector. This is largely due to the misconceptions about this kind of work, such as 'a technical job is more for men', 'it's difficult' and even 'don't like dirty work.' That's why the VHTO - a nationwide expertise agency for girls and women in the beta/technical sector - organises Girlsday in April of every year. A day in which girls aged 10 to 15 can get close up to beta, technical services and ICT.
Since 2017, Alfen has taken part in Girlsday, because we also consider it crucial that girls also get to see the kind of challenging opportunities that a technical career can offer.
During Girlsday, women who work at Alfen in a technical job position explain why they chose a career in this sector, how they joined the company and what it is they find so enjoyable. The girls also undertake a technical assignment or two and are given a bird's eye view behind the scenes.
Female employees with a technical education are working at Alfen in production, project management and on the R&D department.
Jinc lightning internship
This year for the first time, Alfen is arranging a lightning traineeship on behalf of Jinc. Jinc is an initiative of the business community aiming to introduce students at a young age - 8 to 16 - from underprivileged neighbourhoods to various employment sectors. This is because children from socially-economically deprived parts of town typically have a more limited picture of all that is possible in the field of education and work, even though they too need at some point to decide 'what next'.
During a Lightning Internship, children come to Alfen from elementary school and the vmbo to get to know the company and the work done there. They roll up their sleeves too, enjoying a morning full of working experience.
This brings them into contact with all sorts of jobs, they discover the kind of work that matches their talents and they can make a more informed choice about their next step.
Event calendar
At the moment, there are no internship events on the calendar. Should that become the case, then Alfen will be there to play its part.
If you are interested in receiving more information, please contact Janine Keizerweerd. You can contact him through email or Whatsapp or give him a call.